
Nadya Likhogrud

Nadya has been working with ceramics since she was a child. The main material the artist works with is the space of memories. The small sculptural compositions recall the aesthetics of Soviet ceramic figurines and at the same time address the experiences of people who grew up in the 1990s. These are mostly nostalgic images of childhood and everyday life that can be found in practically every photo album from those years. The images are clearly recognisable but blurred, like a moment frozen in memory or an overexposed Polaroid snapshot from childhood. Her work combines academic and craft skills with contemporary artistic practices.

Nadya studied at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov. Her recent exhibitions include the solo show 'Memory is full' at MMOMA, Moscow. Many of Nadya's works have become part of the most valuable and influential private collections in Russia.


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